Scan the classpath in Java: how to find all annotated classes

In order to find all annotated classes by using the ClassHunter, we must add the following dependency to our pom.xml:


… And to use Burningwave Core as a Java module, add the following to your

requires org.burningwave.core;

Now we are able to find all annotated classes:

import java.util.Collection;

import org.burningwave.core.assembler.ComponentContainer;
import org.burningwave.core.assembler.ComponentSupplier;
import org.burningwave.core.classes.ClassCriteria;
import org.burningwave.core.classes.ClassHunter;
import org.burningwave.core.classes.ConstructorCriteria;
import org.burningwave.core.classes.FieldCriteria;
import org.burningwave.core.classes.MethodCriteria;
import org.burningwave.core.classes.SearchConfig;

public class Finder {

    public Collection<Class<?>> find() {
        ComponentSupplier componentSupplier = ComponentContainer.getInstance();
        PathHelper pathHelper = componentSupplier.getPathHelper();
        ClassHunter classHunter = componentSupplier.getClassHunter();

        SearchConfig searchConfig = SearchConfig.forPaths(
            //Here you can add all absolute path you want:
            //both folders, zip and jar will be recursively scanned.
            //For example you can add: "C:\\Users\\user\\.m2"
            //With the line below the search will be executed on runtime Classpaths
            ClassCriteria.create().allThoseThatMatch((cls) -> {
                return cls.getAnnotations() != null && cls.getAnnotations().length > 0;
                MethodCriteria.withoutConsideringParentClasses().allThoseThatMatch((method) -> {
                    return method.getAnnotations() != null && method.getAnnotations().length > 0;
                FieldCriteria.withoutConsideringParentClasses().allThoseThatMatch((field) -> {
                    return field.getAnnotations() != null && field.getAnnotations().length > 0;
                ConstructorCriteria.withoutConsideringParentClasses().allThoseThatMatch((ctor) -> {
                    return ctor.getAnnotations() != null && ctor.getAnnotations().length > 0;

        try (ClassHunter.SearchResult searchResult = classHunter.findBy(searchConfig)) {
            //If you need all annotaded methods unconment this
            return searchResult.getClasses();


It’s possible to search classes by every criteria that your imagination can make by using lambda expressions


Scan engine is highly optimized using direct allocated ByteBuffers to avoid heap saturation


Burningwave core is an advanced free and open source Java library